Saturday, May 31, 2008

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Ryan's PreK Graduation

Hello Everyone!

We hope you are having a great weekend! We enjoyed watching Ryan's PreK Graduation on Wednesday! He did such a good job signing the songs they sang!

We had a couple t-ball games the last few days. Ryan has 4 more games and then the season is over. He is having a great time and is improving his skills!

Ryan enjoyed the day with our neighbors. It was Connor's 6th Birthday today so the family took Ryan bowling with them and then out for some ice cream. The boys came back and played basketball and guitar hero. Ryan loves playing with the boys next door.

We are enjoying the warmer weather!

Don't forget to click on the slideshow to see the pictures bigger.

The Schroeders

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

We had a great weekend with a BBQ with our friends! We also enjoyed the nice weekend outside roasting marshmallows and making smores!

We hope you all had a great weekend too!
Hope to hear from you soon!
The Schroeders
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Monday, May 19, 2008

It's up and running...


We are entering a new world! I have been experimenting with the page. I am sure we'll get better as we do this more often!

We'll add pictures when we take more.

Our excitement right now, is watching Ryan play T-ball! He is also caring for two tadpoles! He named them Timmy and Tommy and is changing the water for the first time as we speak! :) He is doing a good job changing their water and making sure they have food! He uses his new blue chair to sit in front of the tadpoles and watch them swim around!

Saturday, we're having some friends over for a BBQ! We're excited to see all our friends - from the last time we were here and new ones we have made since then!

Ryan is having his PreK Graduation on Wednesday, May 28th! He is practicing hard at school for his big day!

Jeremy is anxious to get the boat out and fish with Ryan! It's been a cold, wet spring so hopefully later this week they can goof off!

Love you all!
The Schroeders
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