Monday, September 15, 2008

Wind Storm

We had the remnants of Hurricane Ike in Ohio yesterday. We were in a high wind warning for hours! We were picking up pieces of our roof the entire afternoon. Ryan loved being out in the wind! No - it wasn't cold - Ryan just likes wearing his new clothes! We lost our power around 4:30 in the afternoon on Sunday. It came back on about 2:30 Monday morning. We are one of the lucky ones. We still have friends without power this morning. Since the power was out, school was cancelled for Ryan and Mom today! YEAH!! Ryan and the boys next door decided to build forts. They are having a great time!
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Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Start of School

Hello Everyone!

Ryan had a great time on his first day of school. His school, Main Elementary, does a staggered start schedule. So on Ryan's first day of school, there were only 6 students there. On Friday, Sept. 5th all the students came.

On Wednesday, Jeremy and I had the fun of doing Ryan's centers with him! His teacher read, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. We painted his arm brown and his hands green to make a tree. Then Ryan and I put glue and sand on his paper. Then, Ryan colored a tree and stamped his name on it. He filled out a page with his first name and something that he likes that starts with an "R". Ryan picked robots. Then Ryan colored and cut out a coconut. After that, we went to the 5 Senses Center, where Ryan filled in sentences about a coconut and what he felt, saw, smelled, tasted and heard. After all the centers, we went on a scavenger hunt together where we found his teachers desk, the listening center, the books in his classroom, the computers, the blocks, the bathroom and sink, the outside door, his hook for his backpack and the office.

Then it was time for Jeremy and I to go and Ryan finished his day with recess!

So far, we have been out the door in the morning 15 minutes before the bus arrives. Ryan is so excited to ride the bus! We're not expecting the excitement to last all year, but we'll enjoy it while we can!

Have a great day!
The Schroeders

Ryan's First Day of Kindergarten

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