Tuesday, March 31, 2009

First Dinner at new house

Ryan is making our new house a home! He already started playing hockey in the kitchen and is excited the basement is not done yet so he has a HUGE hockey rink! :) We ordered pizza and ate our dinner tonight at the new house! It was a fun evening! Keep checking back for some "before" and "after" pictures of the house!
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Ryan's picture of us

Ryan takes such good pictures! Here is a picture of us with the Reds stadium in the background!
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Newport Aquarium

We took a mini-vacation - we went to the Newport Aquarium and spent the night in Kentucky, where we also swam in the hotel pool a couple of times! Ryan loved the Aquarium! His favorite part was touching the sharks! We loved walking under the tanks! The penguins at the end were hilarious! We watched the penguins play "tag" and shoot out of the water! It was fun! We took a short walk down to the Ohio River! Ryan's gift shop purchase was a inflatable shark that squirts water out of it's mouth! We had fun with that in the pool last night!
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Saturday, March 28, 2009

March has been a busy month...

During the month of March, we have been busy! Ryan went ice skating a couple of times! He is loving hockey right now and wants to learn to ice skate. Jeremy went out with him the second time as well as his "coach" Steve! Grandma and Grandpa Orwat came for a visit! Ryan enjoyed Grandma and Grandpa picking him up from school and spending time with them - shopping (Grandma's favorite activity and Ryan's if it includes toys) and playing hockey with Grandpa!
We also had Jeremy's AFIT Graduation on Thursday! It was a very nice event and Jeremy is very excited to start his new job!
On Tuesday, we close on our new house! Then April will bring alot of painting and fun as we make the new house our own!
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