Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Walk Through the Wetlands

These are the Wetlands by our house. We went out on Saturday, enjoying the nice weather and looking for deer antlers that have fallen off the deer.
Ryan's picture of Mom! He loves taking pictures
This is the bridge that we built when we found the only way out would be to cross the water! It was fun! We felt like Surviorman...ok not really, but it was still fun!
Ryan loved banging the stick against the barrel! He thought that was the coolest thing!!
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Ryan's Leprechaun Story

While we were at Ryan's school for the Art Show, Ryan had a story he wrote for school in the hallway. This is his story about a leprechaun!
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Art Show at Ryan's School

Ryan's school had an art show. He had three different projects he did from Art Class. His art teacher, Mrs. Cooper, had nothing but nice things to say about Ryan. She said he is always eager to learn a new technique. Ryan's friend, Josiah, came with us!

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