Monday, October 17, 2016

Buffalo Tournament

Ryan's team played in the Buffalo Tournament - they went 2-2.  I will add pictures later this week.  His team bought the pictures from the tournament.  Here are a few of the pictures.





Saturday, October 15, 2016

After Ryan's game on Saturday, we went to Niagara Falls.  It was amazing!!  








Friday, October 14, 2016

After Ryan's first game we went over to Jim's Steakout for lunch.  It was recommended by our friend, Eileen, who we were stationed with in Utah and Ohio.  It was delicious!!

Then we walked along the Canal.  We walked alongside a lot of military history, including some ships from the Naval and Military Museum.



Then, we ended our day going to the Original Anchor Bar in Buffalo.  The wings were worth the short wait!  What a great day!


Friday, October 14, 2016

2nd Tournament - Buffalo

We left on Thursday afternoon for Ryan's tournament in Buffalo.  The drive was beautiful in northern Pennsylvania and New York!  The pictures don't do it justice...



We found a Tim Horton's this morning - Ryan's favorite.  Ryan and I walked in and both said how we miss Tim Horton's donuts.  We both instantly got our phones to take pictures. Haha!  We resisted the urge to buy one - probably not a good pregame snack!  :)


Sunday, October 9, 2016


Over the last week, we have seen two deer become very comfortable in our backyard.  The first time we saw them, one ended bedding down.  This picture isn't very good because I was afraid I would spook them.  

Today, we saw the deer again.  Jeremy was taking Stella outside.  Jeremy stopped on the deck...Stella made it all the way down to the playground.  Both deer just kept on eating - watching Jeremy and Stell.  I guess we will have to name them.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

On the Road...again

Jeremy and Ryan went to Rochester, New York for a hockey tournament.  Jeremy said the drive up there was beautiful!  The tournament didn't end the way we wanted it to.  I was able to watch Ryan play and he played extremely well!  We are very proud of you, Ryan!



Stella watched the games with Mama.