Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our Summer is Coming to an End!

We have enjoyed the past summer tremendously!

It was a big one for Ryan - he learned to ride a two-wheeler, he learned to swim and just recently (as in this evening) he learned to tie his shoes! Ryan also lost another tooth this past summer. That makes a total of 6 (3 naturally) :)!

Ryan and Mom enjoyed their trip to California and hopefully a mild least around Christmas...will let us enjoy a holiday season with our families.

We are gearing up for the school year! Ryan is excited about riding the bus...but not getting up early! Mom is going to teach Kindergarten at a private school and is very excited as well!

Jeremy is looking forward to finishing his last year at AFIT, while enjoying the time he has shared with his family!

Check back in a few weeks for pictures of Ryan's first day at Kindergarten! I'll try to hold the camera still through the tears! :)


heidi said...

we enjoyed hanging out with ryan a lot this summer! still thinking about you on that first day of school:)

buffaloborn said...

We sure do miss you guys! Nice to see an update on the site. Those kindergarteners are going to be lucky to have "Mrs. Schroeder" as their teacher.