Monday, September 15, 2008

Wind Storm

We had the remnants of Hurricane Ike in Ohio yesterday. We were in a high wind warning for hours! We were picking up pieces of our roof the entire afternoon. Ryan loved being out in the wind! No - it wasn't cold - Ryan just likes wearing his new clothes! We lost our power around 4:30 in the afternoon on Sunday. It came back on about 2:30 Monday morning. We are one of the lucky ones. We still have friends without power this morning. Since the power was out, school was cancelled for Ryan and Mom today! YEAH!! Ryan and the boys next door decided to build forts. They are having a great time!
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1 comment:

heidi said...

looks like you guys had fun! we did too... we lost power for about 48 hrs so the kids had to get creative with obstacle courses and bikes, etc. but we were ALL happy to have our technology back today!
josiah would have LOVED the fort-building!