Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of School

Ryan is officially a First Grader!! (According to Ryan he wasn't a First Grader until his first day of school.) We received an email from his teacher, Mrs. Kidd, last week. She introduced herself and it was a perfect teacher for Ryan from the start - she's an Ohio State Grad and loves animals! Ryan has two classroom pets - a rabbit and a water turtle! On Monday, we met his teacher and saw his classroom! He was very excited to see some friends from his Kindergarten class!

Today he had a great day!! He enjoyed eating lunch and went to Art Class for the first time!! Ryan is looking forward to Gym class tomorrow!
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buffaloborn said...

Love the pics!

Kristyn said...

He's so grown up!!! Hope he's loving it!! Ashlyn told me today that she is excited for Kindergarten...thats a first and at least a little encouraging for the big day! Hope your having a good start to the year too!