Sunday, January 1, 2012

November 17, 2011 - What a night!




We went to the Transiberian Orchestra concert at the Nutter Center for the second year with Ryan (the third year for Jeremy and Diane). We were sitting in our seats (6th row) before the concert and was approached by a member of the crew. Hollywood explained that during the last song, they invite one child and a parent up to the front of the stage to watch the finale. Hollywood made sure we weren't going to leave early and marked our row so he would remember where we were. We enjoyed the show and had a great time taking all the wonderful sights and sounds of the concert. Then at the end of the concert, Hollywood took Ryan and Jeremy to the front. I barely kept tabs of Jeremy's head as everyone is standing and enjoying the last song. All of a sudden, I looked up and Ryan was on stage and was given a guitar signed by the whole crew of Transiberian Orchestra! I was jumping up and down - so excited for him! By the time Ryan and Jeremy made it back to our row - Ryan had tears in his eyes! What an amazing night!!
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